I met with Kathy for an individual meeting. I wanted my group to meet, but half of them couldn't make it. I'm going to try to get them in to meet with her next Tuesday though.
Anyway, I was struggling with trying to understand our topic because I mean, it's huge--and can be anything. Talking with Kathy was helpful--she gave me specific things to think about and also some ideas for the website.
Interface Ideas
1. Comic book panels--with some animation within the panels
2. Comic book panels--take you to different pages
3. Each person can have an area under our topic that they can explore on their own page
4. Since Wen and Collin have Website experience they're big part of the project will be making the website
5. Nahomi and I are more of a Fine Art background and can work on the Look and Content of the website
6. Bethany is our wild card, she could work on content or sound
Other stuff: Kathy gave me some videos to watch related to our topic The Mind's Big Bang and Leonardo's Annuciation. We talked about how People have been using Art to understand and explain our existence and this need to express ourselves goes all the way back to the early days of man and cave paintings. They can be looked at as some of the earliest narrative work--they are almost a comic book how they are drawn and show sequential action. Then we discussed the Renaissance and how many frescos and paintings tell a sequential narrative... and how animation
is a natural progression for us to tell narratives.
She told me to think about the following questions:
1. Why do we need to create?
2. Why do we create these alternate worlds?
3. What drives you?
Our topic is big, but if we can focus it in a couple areas that we're interested in, it should be less intimidating for all of us.
We're going to meet today before Seminar. I'll go over everything I talked about with Kathy and see what they think and if they have any ideas. In the meantime, Nahomi and I can start working on the layout for the Website so that Collin and Wen can start building it.
Right... so that's about it for now.