Thursday, November 1, 2007

My 5 questions..

These are the questions I've come up with so far, I may change this before Wednesday though. Post any research you've done on our speakers and your 5 questions by Tuesday.

Questions for Seminar

  1. To Ryan—can you talk about the differences between sculpting with clay vs. sculpting digitally?
  2. To Ryan—I understand the benefits for sculpting digitally (cutting costs etc.) but what about some disadvantages to working digitally? What are we losing?
  3. Sculpture—in the traditional sense, a sculpture isn’t viewed through a window, but with digital sculpting, it’s a 3D image in a 2D window…Discuss? (what’s the question here?)
  4. To Anne—With the advancements in technology, how you see the relationship between the viewer and the window changing?
  5. There has always been a line between what is Fine Art and what is commercial/graphic art etc. Where do you see that line? What defines Fine Art?

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